Risk Factors for Coronary Heart Disease

Before discussing about the treatment of coronary heart disease, there are several heart disease risk factors both genetic heart disease and coronary heart disease we need to know. Knowledge of risk factors for coronary heart will greatly help you in shy away from this highly lethal disease.
Among the risk factors for heart disease are:

- Heredity or Genetic Factors

Genetic factors are heredity of lineage. If one of your family members who suffer from heart disease, then you should be extra careful in maintaining the health of your heart. This disease can be decreased to you as a family member. But you do not worry too much, if any member of your family have heart disease. It could be that it was all due to environmental factors such as lifestyle and unhealthy eating patterns and irregular of your family members who suffer from diseases of the heart.
However, if you suffer from heart disease because of genetic or congenital, then the process is relatively more difficult to overcome. You can do to minimize these genetic factors are, you should be patterned to live and a good diet and healthy. With lifestyle and eating good, God willing, you will remain protected from heart disease.

- Environmental Factors

The second factor of the causes of heart disease, especially coronary heart disease are environmental factors. Environmental factors in question are diet and lifestyle is not good and unhealthy, among them:

1. Like smoking and alcohol
2. Like to consume foods high in cholesterol
3. Lazy exercise or lack of movement
4. Pressure severe and prolonged stress
5. Lack of rest
6. Obesity or overweight due to eating a lot of fatty foods
7. Complications of high blood pressure and diabetes mellitus

- Age Factor

Age over 50 years have an increased risk of heart disease is higher. However the way, by implementing a lifestyle and a healthy diet, the age factor is God willing, will be more suppressed or minimized
Those are some risk factors for coronary heart disease that you need to be aware of. You know some of the risk factors for coronary heart disease is expected you to be more alert and careful. Segara do and apply lifestyle and a healthy diet. Do not delay.

Hopefully all of this to be useful to you. Amin ....

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